If you or your spouse are thinking about divorce, but aren’t sure of the options available, Lori Greene can explain the different ways you can accomplish obtaining a legal separation. Many people don’t realize it can be done without resorting to costly, time consuming, and emotionally draining, litigation. These non-litigation alternatives are the focus of Lori Greene’s family law practice. She emphasizes and promotes collaborative problem solving. Clients end up reaching agreements that suit their needs and interests, and are able to work together co-parenting with plans that make sense for their families.
What is Mediation? Unlike litigation, where both sides hire attorneys to fight through all the stressful issues of divorce, mediation is a process that uses a neutral third-party (the Mediator) to sensibly work through the issues with the clients. Similar to divorce litigation, issues such as Spousal Support, Child Support, Property Distribution, Debt Resolution, Insurance, and Parenting Plans will be resolved in this process in a comfortable, small conference room setting; clients and family members won’t have to undergo hostile court depositions, painful hearings, and trials ruled on by a judge in order to get these issues resolved.
As an attorney, a skilled mediator, and family law expert, Lori Greene is able to explain the law to her clients, and help them make educated decisions. When necessary, other neutral experts can be included in the process, such as an accountant or family therapist, to help work through tough financial or parenting problems.
This process is the most cost-effective, as much as 10 times less expensive then a litigated divorce. Separating couples are usually able to communicate much better with each other after participating in mediation, because they learned to work together to come up with the Separation Agreement terms themselves. This is helpful for co-parenting after separation.
At the end of Mediation, once an agreement is reached on all the issues, Lori Greene can help the couple file for an uncontested divorce.
Collaborative Divorce With Attorneys
What is a collaborative divorce and when is it appropriate? Similar to the mediation process, the collaborative divorce process uses out of court solutions to reach a fair settlement that meets your family’s needs. What makes this different from mediation, is that there are attorneys representing each of you, working to negotiate terms in a less adversarial framework than traditional litigation. This process may work better for some couples who struggle with power imbalances, where one person is afraid or uncomfortable to voice concerns, and would benefit from an advocate promoting his/her needs and interests.
Once lawyers are retained to work within a collaborative divorce framework, all parties agree to brainstorm solutions without threatening or resorting to court intervention and may use neutral financial experts, and other neutral professionals, to determine a fair settlement.
If this process seems like a better fit for you, Lori Greene can be your advocate and voice at the negotiating table.
If you are feeling overwhelmed, confused, depressed, and unsure which process makes the most sense for your family, we understand, and are here to help. Most important is to take steps forward to a better place.
Other Legal Services:
Besides providing divorce mediation and collaborative law services, the following legal services are also available for clients:
Prenuptial Agreement Drafting
Postnuptial Agreement Drafting
Separation Agreement Drafting
Drafting Parenting Plan Agreements a/k/a Custody and Visitation Agreements
Drafting and Filing Uncontested Divorces
Consulting and Review Attorney work for other Mediated Cases
Drafting Modifications or Addendums to Separation Agreements or Marital Settlement Agreements